(美国商务部长Gina Raimondo,图源美国商务部网站)
- 禁止 CHIPS 奖励基金的获得者使用基金在美国境外建设、改造或改进半导体设施;
- 限制 CHIPS 奖励基金的获得者在获得奖励之日起的 10 年内,不得投资于受关注外国(目前包括中国、朝鲜、伊朗、俄罗斯,并可能指定其他国家)的大多数半导体制造企业;以及
- 限制 CHIPS 奖励基金的受资助者与受关注的外国实体开展某些联合研究或技术许可活动,这些活动应与引发国家安全问题的技术或产品有关。
- 如果违反了这些规定,该部可以收回全部联邦财政援助。
Subpart A—Definitions | A:定义 |
§ 231.101 Existing facility. | § 231.101现有设施. |
Existing facility means: | 现有设施是指 |
(a) Any facility, the current status of which, including its semiconductor manufacturing capacity, is memorialized in the required agreement entered into by the covered entity and the Secretary pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 4652(a)(6)(C) and based on the Secretary’s assessments of historical capacity measurements. Only facilities built, equipped, and operating prior to entering into the required agreement are considered to be existing facilities. A facility that undergoes significant renovations not memorialized in the required agreement shall no longer qualify as an existing facility. | (a)任何设施,其当前状况,包括其半导体制造能力,在涵盖实体与商务部长根据《美国法典》第15编第4652(a)(6)(C)条并基于商务部长对历史产能测量的评估而签订的必要协议中均有记录。只有在签订所需协议之前建造、配备和运行的设施才被视为现有设施。如果设施进行了重大翻新,但未在所需协议中予以记录,则不再被视为现有设施。 |
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, in the case of a facility that is being equipped, expanded, or modernized at the time of entering into the required agreement, the Secretary may, at their discretion, memorialize the planned semiconductor manufacturing capacity of that facility or any appropriate lower semiconductor manufacturing capacity in the required agreement and deem such facility an existing facility. | (b)尽管有本条(a)款的规定,对于在签订所需的协议时正在进行装备、扩建或现代化改造的设施,商务部长可自行决定在所需的协议中记录该设施的计划半导体制造能力或任何适当的较低半导体制造能力,并将该设施视为现有设施。 |
§ 231.102 Foreign country of concern. | §231.102受关注的外国。 |
The term foreign country of concern means: | 术语“受关注外国”是指 |
(a) A country that is a covered nation (as defined in 10 U.S.C. 4872(d)); and | (a)被涵盖国家(定义见《美国法典》第10编第4872(d)条);以及 |
(b) Any country that the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, and the Director of National Intelligence, determines to be engaged in conduct that is detrimental to the national security or foreign policy of the United States. | (b)商务部长与国防部长、商务部长和国家情报局局长协商后认定从事有损于美国国家安全或外交政策的行为的任何国家。 |
§ 231.103 Foreign entity. | § 231.103外国实体 |
Foreign entity, as used in this part: | 本部分中使用的”外国实体”: |
(a) Means— | (a)指 |
(1) A government of a foreign country or a foreign political party; | (1)外国政府或外国政党; |
(2) A natural person who is not a lawful permanent resident of the United States, citizen of the United States, or any other protected individual (as such term is defined in section 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3)); or | (2)不是美国合法永久居民、美国公民或任何其他受保护个人(根据《美国法典》第8篇第1324b(a)(3)条的定义)的自然人;或 |
(3) A partnership, association, corporation, organization, or other combination of persons organized under the laws of or having its principal place of business in a foreign country; and | (3)根据外国法律组建的合伙企业、协会、公司、组织或其他个人组合,或其主要营业地点在外国的合伙企业、协会、公司、组织或其他个人组合;以及 |
(b) Includes— | (b)包括 |
(1) Any person owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of an entity listed in paragraph (a) of this section; | (1)本节(a)段所列实体拥有、控制或管辖或指示的任何人; |
(2) Any person, wherever located, who acts as an agent, representative, or employee of an entity listed in paragraph (a) of this section; | (2)作为本节(a)段所列实体的代理人、代表或雇员行事的任何人,无论其位于何处; |
(3) Any person who acts in any other capacity at the order, request, or under the direction or control of an entity listed in paragraph (a) of this section, or of a person whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in majority part by an entity listed in paragraph (a) of this section; | (3)应本节(a)段所列实体的命令、要求或在其指示或控制下以任何其他身份行事的人,或其活动全部或大部分由本节(a)段所列实体直接或间接监督、指示、控制、资助或补贴的人; |
(4) Any person who directly or indirectly through any contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship, or otherwise, owns 25 percent or more of the equity interests of an entity listed in paragraph (a) of this section; | (4)通过任何合同、安排、谅解、关系或其他方式,直接或间接拥有本节(a)段所列实体25%或以上股权的任何人; |
(5) Any person with significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct an entity listed in paragraph (a) of this section; | (5)对控制、管理或指挥本节(a)段所列实体负有重大责任的任何人; |
(6) Any person, wherever located, who is a citizen or resident of a country controlled by an entity listed in paragraph (a) of this section; or | (6)本节(a)段所列实体控制的国家的公民或居民,无论其位于何处;或 |
(7) Any corporation, partnership, association, or other organization organized under the laws of a country controlled by an entity listed in paragraph (a) of this section. | (7)根据本节(a)段所列实体控制的国家的法律组建的任何公司、合伙企业、协会或其他组织。 |
§ 231.104 Foreign entity of concern. | §231.104受关注的外国实体。 |
Foreign entity of concern means any foreign entity that is— | 受关注的外国实体是指符合以下条件的任何外国实体: |
(a) Designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the Secretary of State under 8 U.S.C. 1189; | (a)根据《美国法典》第8篇第1189条被商务部长指定为外国恐怖组织; |
(b) Included on the Department of Treasury’s list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN List), or for which one or more individuals or entities included on the SDN list, individually or in the aggregate, directly or indirectly, hold at least 50 percent of the outstanding voting interest; | (b)被列入美国财政部特别指定国民和被封锁者名单(SDN名单),或被列入SDN名单的一个或多个个人或实体单独或合计直接或间接持有至少50%的流通投票权; |
(c) Owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a government of a foreign country that is a covered nation (as defined in 10 U.S.C. 4872(d)); | (c)由受涵盖国(定义见《美国法典》第10编第4872(d)条)的外国政府拥有、控制或受其管辖或指挥; |
(1) A person is owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a government of a foreign country listed in 10 U.S.C. 4872(d) where: | (1)在以下情况下,某人为《美国法典》第10编第4872(d)条所列外国政府所有、受其管辖或指示,或受其管辖或指示 |
(i) The person is: | (i)该人: |
(A) a citizen, national, or resident of a foreign country listed in 10 U.S.C. 4872(d); and | (A)《美国法典》第10篇第4872(d)条所列外国的公民、国民或居民;且 |
(B) located in a foreign country listed in 10 U.S.C. 4872(d); | (B)位于《美国法典》第10编第4872(d)条所列的外国; |
(ii) The person is organized under the laws of or has its principal place of business in a foreign country listed in 10 U.S.C. 4872(d); | (ii)该人根据《美国法典》第10篇第4872(d)条所列外国的法律组建,或其主要营业地位于该外国; |
(iii) 25 percent or more of the person’s outstanding voting interest, board seats, or equity interest is held directly or indirectly by the government of a foreign country listed in 10 U.S.C. 4872(d); or | (iii)《美国法典》第10编第4872(d)条所列外国政府直接或间接持有该公司25%或以上的未决表决权、董事会席位或股权;或 |
(iv) 25 percent or more of the person’s outstanding voting interest, board seats, or equity interest is held directly or indirectly by any combination of the persons who fall within subsections (i)–(iii); | (iv)该人25%或更多的未决投票权、董事会席位或股权由第(i)-(iii)小节所列人员的任何组合直接或间接持有; |
(d) Alleged by the Attorney General to have been involved in activities for which a conviction was obtained under— | (d)被总检察长指控参与了根据以下法律被定罪的活动 |
(1) The Espionage Act, 18 U.S.C. 792 et seq.; | (1)《间谍法》(18U.S.C.792 et seq; |
(2) 18 U.S.C. 951; | (2)《美国法典》第18卷第951条; |
(3) The Economic Espionage Act of 1996, 18 U.S.C. 1831 et seq.; | (3)1996年《经济间谍法》(Economic Espionage Act of1996),18 U.S.C.1831 et seq; |
(4) The Arms Export Control Act, 22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.; | (4)《武器出口控制法》,22 U.S.C.2751 et seq; |
(5) The Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. 2274, 2275, 2276, 2277, or 2284; | (5)《原子能法》(Atomic Energy Act),42 U.S.C.2274、2275、2276、2277或2284; |
(6) The Export Control Reform Act of 2018, 50 U.S.C. 4801 et seq.; | (6)《2018年出口管制改革法》,50 U.S.C.4801 et seq; |
(7) The International Economic Emergency Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; or | (7)《国际经济紧急权力法》,50 U.S.C.1701 et seq. |
(8) 18 U.S.C. 1030. | (8)《美国法典》第18卷第1030条。 |
(e) Included on the Bureau of Industry and Security’s Entity List (15 CFR part 744, supplement no. 4); | (e)列入工业与安全局实体清单(15 CFR part 744,supplement no.4); |
(f) Included on the Department of the Treasury’s list of Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies (NS–CMIC List), or for which one or more individuals or entities included on the NS–CMIC list, individually or in the aggregate, directly or indirectly, hold at least 50 percent of the outstanding voting interest; or | (f)被列入财政部的非SDN中国军工复合体公司名单(NS-CMIC名单),或被列入NS-CMIC名单的一个或多个个人或实体单独或合计直接或间接持有至少50%的流通投票权;或 |
(g) Determined by the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence, to be engaged in unauthorized conduct that is detrimental to the national security or foreign policy of the United States under this chapter. | (g)经部长与国防部长和国家情报局局长协商后认定,根据本章规定,从事未经授权的有损于美国国家安全或外交政策的行为。 |
§ 231.105 Joint research. | §231.105联合研究 |
(a) Joint research means any research and development activity that is jointly undertaken by two or more parties, including any research and development activities undertaken as part of a joint venture as defined at 15 U.S.C. 4301(a)(6). | (a)联合研究是指由两方或多方联合开展的任何研发活动,包括作为《美国法典》第15编第4301(a)(6)条所定义的合资企业的一部分而开展的任何研发活动。 |
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the following is not joint research: | (b)尽管有本条(a)款的规定,但以下活动不属于联合研究: |
(1) A standards-related activity (as such term is defined in 15 CFR part 772); | (1)与标准相关的活动(该术语的定义见15CFR第772部分); |
(2) Research and development conducted exclusively between and among employees of a covered entity or between and among entities that are related entities to the covered entity; | (2)完全在涵盖实体的雇员之间或雇员之间进行的研究与开发,或在与涵盖实体相关的实体之间或实体之间进行的研究与开发; |
(3) Research, development, or engineering related to a manufacturing process for an existing product solely to enable use of foundry, assembly, test, or packaging services for integrated circuits; | (3)与现有产品的制造工艺有关的研究、开发或工程,其目的只是为了能够使用集成电路的代工、装配、测试或封装服务; |
(4) Research, development, or engineering involving two or more entities to establish or apply a drawing, design, or related specification for a product to be purchased and sold between or among such entities; and | (4)涉及两个或两个以上实体的研究、开发或工程,以建立或应用图纸、设计或相关规格,用于在这些实体之间购买和销售的产品;以及 |
(5) Warranty, service, and customer support performed by a covered entity or an entity that is a related entity of a covered entity. | (5)由涵盖实体或涵盖实体的相关实体提供的保修、服务和客户支持。 |
§ 231.106 Knowingly. | § 231.106知晓 |
Knowingly means acting with knowledge that a circumstance exists or is substantially certain to occur, or with an awareness of a high probability of its existence or future occurrence. Such awareness can be inferred from evidence of the conscious disregard of facts known to a person or of a person’s willful avoidance of facts. | “知晓”是指明知存在某种情况或基本上肯定会发生某种情况,或意识到存在这种情况或将来很可能发生这种情况而采取行动。这种意识可以从一个人有意识地无视已知事实或故意回避事实的证据中推断出来。 |
§ 231.107 Legacy semiconductor. | § 231.107传统半导体 |
(a) Legacy semiconductor means: | (a)传统半导体是指: |
(1) For the purposes of a semiconductor wafer facility: | (1)就半导体晶圆设施而言: |
(i) A silicon wafer measuring 8 inches (or 200 millimeters) or smaller in diameter; or | (i)直径为8英吋(或200毫米)或以下的硅晶圆;或 |
(ii) A compound wafer measuring 6 inches (or 150 millimeters) or smaller in diameter. | (ii)直径为6英吋(或150毫米)或以下的化合物晶圆。 |
(2) For the purposes of a semiconductor fabrication facility: | (2)就半导体制造设施而言: |
(i) A digital or analog logic semiconductor that is of the 28-nanometer generation or older ( i.e., has a gate length of 28 nanometers or more for a planar transistor); | (i)28纳米或更早一代的数字或模拟逻辑半导体(即栅极长度为28纳米或更长的平面晶体管); |
(ii) A memory semiconductor with a half-pitch greater than 18 nanometers for Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) or less than 128 layers for Not AND (NAND) flash that does not utilize emerging memory technologies, such as transition metal oxides, phase-change memory, perovskites, or ferromagnetics relevant to advanced memory fabrication; or | (ii)半间距大于18纳米的动态随机存取存储器(DRAM)或小于128层的非AND(NAND)闪存的存储半导体,且未使用新兴存储技术,如过渡金属氧化物、相变存储器、过氧化物或与先进存储器制造相关的铁磁性技术;或 |
(iii) A semiconductor identified by the Secretary in a public notice issued under 15 U.S.C. 4652(a)(6)(A)(ii). | (iii)部长在根据15U.S.C.4652(a)(6)(A)(ii)发布的公告中确定的半导体。 |
(3) For the purposes of a semiconductor packaging facility, a semiconductor that does not utilize advanced three-dimensional (3D) integration packaging, under paragraph (b)(3) of this section. | (3)就半导体封装设施而言,根据本节(b)(3)段,不使用先进三维(3D)集成封装的半导体。 |
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the following are not legacy semiconductors: | (b)尽管有本条(a)款的规定,下列半导体不属于传统半导体: |
(1) Semiconductors critical to national security, as defined in § 231.118; | (1)第231.118节定义的对国家安全至关重要的半导体; |
(2) A semiconductor with a post-planar transistor architecture (such as fin-shaped field field-effect transistor (FinFET) or gate all around field-effect transistor); and | (2)具有后平面晶体管结构的半导体(如鳍状场效应晶体管(FinFET)或栅极四周场效应晶体管);以及 |
(3) A semiconductor utilizing advanced three-dimensional (3D) integration packaging, such as by directly attaching one or more die or wafer, through silicon vias, through mold vias, or other advanced methods. | (3)采用先进的三维(3D)集成封装的半导体,例如通过硅孔、模孔或其他先进方法直接连接一个或多个晶粒或芯片。 |
§ 231.108 Material expansion. | §231.108实质性扩张。 |
Material expansion means the increase of the semiconductor manufacturing capacity of an existing facility by more than five percent of the capacity memorialized in the required agreement due to the addition of a cleanroom, production line or other physical space, or a series of such additions. | 实质性扩张指由于增加洁净室、生产线或其他物理空间,或一系列此类增加,使现有设施的半导体制造能力提高了所需协议中规定的能力的百分之五以上。 |
§ 231.109 Members of the affiliated group. | §231.109关联方成员。 |
Members of the affiliated group includes any entity that is a member of the covered entity’s “affiliated group,” as that term is defined under 26 U.S.C. 1504(a), without regard to 26 U.S.C. 1504(b)(3). | 关联方集团成员包括涵盖实体的”关联方集团”成员的任何实体,该术语根据《美国法典》第26篇第1504(a)条定义,不考虑《美国法典》第26篇第1504(b)(3)条。 |
§ 231.110 Person. | § 231.110人. |
The term person includes an individual, partnership, association, corporation, organization, or any other combination of individuals. | 术语人包括个人、合伙、协会、公司、组织或任何其他个人组合。 |
The term person includes an individual, partnership, association, corporation, organization, or any other combination of individuals. | §231.111主要服务于市场。 |
§ 231.111 Predominately serves the market. | |
Predominately serves the market means that at least 85 percent of the output of the semiconductor manufacturing facility ( e.g., wafers, semiconductor devices, or packages) by value is incorporated into final products ( i.e., not an intermediate product that is used as factor inputs for producing other goods) that are used or consumed in that market. | 主要服务于市场是指半导体制造厂至少85%的产出(如晶圆、半导体器件或封装)按价值计算被纳入在该市场中使用或消费的最终产品(即不是作为生产其他产品的要素投入的中间产品)。 |
§ 231.112 Required agreement. | § 231.112规定协议 |
(a) Required agreement means the agreement that is entered into by a covered entity and the Secretary on or before the date on which the Secretary awards Federal financial assistance under 15 U.S.C. 4652. The required agreement shall include, inter alia, provisions describing the prohibitions on certain expansion transactions and on certain joint research or technology licensing. | (a)规定协议是指涵盖实体与部长在部长根据《美国法典》第15编第4652条授予联邦财政援助之日或之前签订的协议。除其他外,规定协议应包括禁止某些扩张交易和某些联合研究或技术许可的条款。 |
(b) The required agreement shall memorialize: | (b)所要求的协议应包括以下内容 |
(1) The covered entity’s existing facilities in foreign countries of concern; and | (1)涵盖实体在受关注外国的现有设施;以及 |
(2) Any ongoing joint research or technology licensing activities with foreign entities of concern that relate to technology or products that raise national security concerns as identified by the Secretary. | (2)与受关注的外国实体正在进行的任何联合研究或技术许可活动,这些活动涉及商务部长确定的引起国家安全关注的技术或产品。 |
(c) The required agreement may include additional terms to mitigate national security risks, including as contemplated in § 231.204. | (c)所要求的协议可包括减轻国家安全风险的附加条款,包括第231.204节所设想的条款。 |
(d) To the extent consistent with the requirements of 15 U.S.C. 4652 and these regulations, the Secretary and the covered entity may amend the required agreement by mutual consent. | (d)在符合《美国法典》第15编第4652条和本条例要求的范围内,部长和涵盖实体可在双方同意的情况下修改所要求的协议。 |
§ 231.113 Research and development. | §231.113研究与开发。 |
Research and development means theoretical analysis, exploration, or experimentation; or the extension of investigative findings and theories of a scientific or technical nature into practical application, including the experimental production and testing of models, devices, equipment, materials, and processes. | 研究与开发是指理论分析、探索或实验;或将科学或技术性质的调查结论和理论推广到实际应用中,包括模型、装置、设备、材料和工艺的实验性生产和测试。 |
§ 231.114 Secretary. | § 231.114部长. |
Secretary means the Secretary of Commerce or the Secretary’s designees. | 部长指商务部长或商务部长指定的人员。 |
§ 231.115 Semiconductor. | §231.115半导体。 |
Semiconductor means an integrated electronic device or system most commonly manufactured using materials such as, but not limited to, silicon, silicon carbide, or III–V compounds, and processes such as, but not limited to, lithography, deposition, and etching. Such devices and systems include but are not limited to analog and digital electronics, power electronics, and photonics, for memory, processing, sensing, actuation, and communications applications. | 半导体是指一种集成电子器件或系统,最常见的制造方法是使用硅、碳化硅或III-V化合物等材料,以及光刻、沉积和蚀刻等工艺。此类器件和系统包括但不限于模拟和数字电子器件、电力电子器件和光子器件,用于存储器、处理、传感、驱动和通信应用。 |
§ 231.116 Semiconductor manufacturing. | §231.116半导体制造。 |
Semiconductor manufacturing means semiconductor wafer production, semiconductor fabrication or semiconductor packaging. Semiconductor wafer production includes the processes of wafer slicing, polishing, cleaning, epitaxial deposition, and metrology. Semiconductor fabrication includes the process of forming devices such as transistors, poly capacitors, non-metal resistors, and diodes on a wafer of semiconductor material. Semiconductor packaging means the process of enclosing a semiconductor in a protective container (package) and providing external power and signal connectivity for the assembled integrated circuit. | 半导体制造是指半导体芯片生产、半导体制造或半导体封装。半导体芯片生产包括芯片切片、抛光、清洗、外延沉积和计量等工序。半导体制造包括在半导体材料芯片上形成晶体管、聚电容器、非金属电阻器和二极管等器件的过程。半导体封装是指将半导体封装在保护性容器(封装)中,并为组装好的集成电路提供外部电源和信号连接的过程。 |
§ 231.117 Semiconductor manufacturing capacity. | §231.117半导体制造能力。 |
Semiconductor manufacturing capacity means the productive capacity of a facility for semiconductor manufacturing. In the case of a wafer production facility, semiconductor manufacturing capacity is measured in wafers per year. In the case of a semiconductor fabrication facility, semiconductor manufacturing capacity is measured in wafer starts per year. In the case of a semiconductor fabrication facility for wafers designed for wafer-to-wafer bonding structure, semiconductor manufacturing capacity is measured in stacked wafers per year. In the case of a packaging facility, semiconductor manufacturing capacity is measured in packages per year. | 半导体制造能力是指半导体制造设施的生产能力。就晶圆生产设施而言,半导体制造能力是以每年的晶圆数来衡量的。就半导体制造设施而言,半导体制造能力以每年晶圆开工率为单位。如果半导体制造厂的晶圆设计用于晶圆到晶圆的接合结构,则半导体制造能力以每年堆叠的晶圆为单位。对于封装设施,半导体制造能力以每年封装的数量来衡量。 |
§ 231.118 Semiconductors critical to national security. | §对国家安全至关重要的半导体。 |
Semiconductors critical to national security means: | 对国家安全至关重要的半导体是指 |
(a) Semiconductors utilizing nanomaterials, including 1D and 2D carbon allotropes such as graphene and carbon nanotubes; | (a)利用纳米材料的半导体,包括一维和二维碳同位素,如石墨烯和碳纳米管; |
(b) Compound and wide- and ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors; | (b)复合半导体以及宽带隙和超宽带隙半导体; |
(c) Radiation-hardened by process (RHBP) semiconductors; | (c)辐射加工硬化(RHBP)半导体; |
(d) Fully depleted silicon on insulator (FD–SOI) semiconductors, other than with regard to semiconductor packaging operations with respect to such semiconductors of a 28-nonometerer generation or older; | (d)全耗尽绝缘体上硅(FD-SOI)半导体,但与28代或更早的半导体有关的半导体封装操作除外; |
(e) Silicon photonic semiconductors; | (e)硅光子半导体; |
(f) Semiconductors designed for quantum information systems; | (f)为量子信息系统设计的半导体; |
(g) Semiconductors designed for operation in cryogenic environments (at or below 77 Kelvin); and | (g)为在低温环境(77kelvin或以下)下工作而设计的半导体;以及 |
(h) Any other semiconductors that the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence, determines is critical to national security and issues a public notice of that determination. | (h)商务部长与国防部长和国家情报局局长协商后认定对国家安全至关重要并发布公告的任何其他半导体。 |
§ 231.119 Significant renovations. | §231.119重大翻修。 |
Significant renovations means building new cleanroom space or adding a production line or other physical space to an existing facility that, in the aggregate during the applicable term of the required agreement, increases semiconductor manufacturing capacity by 10 percent or more of the capacity memorialized in the required agreement. | 重大翻修是指建设新的洁净室空间,或在现有设施上增加生产线或其他物理空间,在规定协议的适用期限内,合计将半导体制造能力提高到规定协议所规定能力的10%或以上。 |
231.120 Technology licensing. | 231.120技术许可。 |
Technology licensing means: | 技术许可是指 |
(a) An express or implied contractual agreement in which the rights owned by, licensed to or otherwise lawfully available to one party in any trade secrets or knowhow are sold, licensed or otherwise made available to another party. | (a)一种明示或默示的合同协议,在这种协议中,一方拥有的、被许可的或以其他方式合法获得的任何商业秘密或专有技术的权利被出售、许可或以其他方式提供给另一方。 |
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the following is not technology licensing: | (b)尽管有本条第(a)款的规定,下列行为不属于技术许可: |
(1) Licensing of patents, including licenses related to standard essential patents or cross licensing activities; | (1)专利许可,包括与标准必要专利有关的许可或交叉许可活动; |
(2) Licensing or transfer agreements conducted exclusively between a covered entity and related entities, or between or among related entities of the covered entity; | (2)仅在涵盖实体与相关实体之间,或在涵盖实体的相关实体之间进行的许可或转让协议; |
(3) A standards-related activity (as such term is defined in 15 CFR part 772); | (3)与标准有关的活动(该术语的定义见15CFR第772部分); |
(4) Agreements that grant patent rights only with respect to “published information” and no proprietary information is shared; | (4)仅就”公布信息”授予专利权且不共享专有信息的协议; |
(5) An implied or general intellectual property license relating to the use of a product that is sold by a covered entity or related entities; | (5)与使用涵盖实体或相关实体销售的产品有关的默示或一般知识产权许可; |
(6) Technology licensing related to a manufacturing process for an existing product solely to enable use of assembly, test, or packaging services for integrated circuits; | (6)与现有产品的制造工艺有关的技术许可,其唯一目的是使集成电路的装配、测试或封装服务得以使用; |
(7) Technology licensing involving two or more entities to establish or apply a drawing, design, or related specification for a product to be purchased and sold between or among such entities; | (7)涉及两个或两个以上实体的技术许可,以建立或应用图纸、设计或相关规格的产品,在这些实体之间购买和销售; |
(8) Warranty, service, and customer support performed by a covered entity or an entity that is a related entity of a covered entity; and | (8)由涵盖实体或涵盖实体的相关实体提供的保修、服务和客户支持;以及 |
(9) Disclosures of technical information to a customer solely for the design of integrated circuits to be manufactured by the funding recipient for that customer. | (9)向客户披露技术信息,仅用于资助接受方为该客户设计制造集成电路。 |
§ 231.121 Technology or product that raises national security concerns. | §231.121引起国家安全问题的技术或产品 |
A technology or product that raises national security concerns means: | 引起国家安全关切的技术或产品是指 |
(a) Any semiconductor critical to national security; | (a)对国家安全至关重要的任何半导体; |
(b) Any item listed in Category 3 of the Commerce Control List (supplement no. 1 to part 774 of the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR part 774) that is controlled for National Security (“NS”) reasons, as described in 15 CFR 742.4, or Regional Stability (“RS”) reasons, as described in 15 CFR 742.6; and | (b)《商业管制清单》(《出口管制条例》第774部分补编第1号,15CFR第774部分)第3类所列、因15CFR742.4所述国家安全(“NS”)原因或15CFR742.6所述区域稳定(“RS”)原因而受管制的任何物项;以及 |
(c) Any other technology or product that the Secretary determines raises national security concerns. | (c)部长认为会引起国家安全问题的任何其他技术或产品。 |
Subpart B—General | B:一般规定 |
§ 231.201 Scope. | §231.201范围。 |
This subpart sets forth the prohibitions to be implemented in the required agreements, as well as record retention requirements related to those prohibitions. | 本部分规定了所需协议中应执行的禁令,以及与这些禁令有关的记录保存要求。 |
§ 231.202 Prohibition on certain expansion transactions. (Expansion Clawback) | §231.202禁止某些扩张交易。(“扩张退还”) |
(a) During the 10-year period beginning on the date of the award of Federal financial assistance under 15 U.S.C. 4652, the covered entity and members of the affiliated group may not engage in any significant transaction involving the material expansion of semiconductor manufacturing capacity in a foreign country of concern; provided that this prohibition will not apply to— | (a)在根据《美国法典》第15编第4652条获得联邦财政援助之日起的10年内,涵盖实体和关联方集团成员不得参与任何涉及受关注外国半导体制造能力实质性扩张的重大交易;但这一禁令不适用于– |
(1) Existing facilities or equipment of a covered entity or any member of the affiliated group for manufacturing legacy semiconductors; or | (1)涵盖实体或关联方集团任何成员制造传统半导体的现有设施或设备;或 |
(2) Significant transactions involving material expansion of semiconductor manufacturing capacity that— | (2)涉及实质性扩张半导体制造能力的重大交易,而这些交易 |
(i) Produces legacy semiconductors; and | (i)生产传统半导体;且 |
(ii) Predominately serves the market of a foreign country of concern. | (ii)主要服务于受关注外国的市场。 |
(b) No later than the date of the award of Federal financial assistance award under 15 U.S.C. 4652, the covered entity shall enter into a required agreement that contains this prohibition and otherwise implements the requirements of this part. | (b)不迟于根据《美国法典》第15编第4652条获得联邦财政援助奖励之日,涵盖实体应签订包含本禁令并以其他方式执行本部分要求的必要协议。 |
§ 231.203 Prohibition on certain joint research or technology licensing. (Technology Clawback) | §231.203禁止某些联合研究或技术许可。“技术退还”(Technology Clawback) |
(a) During the applicable term of a Federal financial assistance award under 15 U.S.C. 4652, a covered entity may not knowingly engage in any joint research or technology licensing with a foreign entity of concern that relates to a technology or product that raises national security concerns. | (a)在《美国法典》第15编第4652条规定的联邦财政援助适用期限内,涵盖实体不得故意与受关注的外国实体进行任何与引起国家安全问题的技术或产品有关的联合研究或技术许可。 |
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, this prohibition will not apply to joint research or technology licensing that relate to technology or products that raise national security concerns that were ongoing prior to the Secretary’s determination that such technology or products raised national security concerns. Any such ongoing joint research or technology licensing shall be memorialized in the required agreement. | (b)尽管有本条(a)款的规定,本禁令不适用于与引起国家安全问题的技术或产品有关的联合研究或技术许可,这些联合研究或技术许可在商务部长认定这些技术或产品引起国家安全问题之前已经在进行中。任何此类正在进行的联合研究或技术许可都应在所需的协议中予以注明。 |
§ 231.204 Additional conditions on certain joint research or technology licensing. | §231.204某些联合研究或技术许可的附加条件。 |
(a) In addition to the conditions of the Technology Clawback (§ 231.203), the Secretary will specify, in the required agreement with the covered entity, any additional measures that covered entities must take to mitigate the risk of circumvention of the Technology Clawback, including measures that will allow the Secretary to recover up to the full amount of the Federal financial assistance provided to the covered entity, if, during the term applicable to the award, any related entity engages in joint research or technology licensing that would violate the Technology Clawback if engaged in by the covered entity. | (a)除了”技术退还”的条件(第231.203节)外,在与涵盖实体签订的必要协议中,商务部长将明确规定涵盖实体必须采取的任何额外措施,以减少规避”技术退还”的风险,包括如果在适用于奖励的期限内,任何相关实体从事联合研究或技术许可,而如果由涵盖实体从事则会违反”技术退还”,则商务部长可以收回向涵盖实体提供的联邦财政援助的全额。 |
(b) For purposes of this rule, a related entity is any entity that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under common control with, the covered entity. | (b)在本规则中,相关实体是指直接或通过一个或多个中间人间接控制涵盖实体或由涵盖实体控制或与涵盖实体受共同控制的任何实体。 |
§ 231.205 Retention of records. | § 231.205记录保存. |
(a) During the 10-year period beginning on the date of the Federal financial assistance award under 15 U.S.C. 4652 and for a period of seven years following any significant transaction involving the material expansion of semiconductor manufacturing capacity in a foreign country of concern, a covered entity or member of the affiliated group planning or engaging in any such significant transaction involving the material expansion of semiconductor manufacturing capacity in a foreign country of concern shall maintain records related to the significant transaction in a manner consistent with the recordkeeping practices used in their ordinary course of business for such transactions. | (a)在根据《美国法典》第15编第4652条获得联邦财政援助之日起的10年内,以及在涉及受关注外国半导体制造能力实质性扩张的任何重大交易之后的7年内,涵盖实体或关联方集团成员在计划或参与涉及受关注外国半导体制造能力实质性扩张的任何此类重大交易时,应按照其日常业务过程中用于此类交易的记录保存方式,保存与该重大交易相关的记录。 |
(b) A covered entity that is notified that a transaction is being reviewed by the Secretary shall immediately take steps to retain all records relating to such transaction, including if those records are maintained by a member of the affiliated group or by related entities. | (b)涵盖实体如被通知某项交易正在接受商务部长的审查,应立即采取措施保留与该交易有关的所有记录,包括如果这些记录是由关联方集团的成员或相关实体保存的。 |
Subpart C—Notification, Review, and Recovery | C:通知、审查和追偿 |
§ 231.301 Procedures for notifying the Secretary of significant transactions. | §231.301通知商务部长重大交易的程序。 |
During the 10-year period beginning on the date of the Federal financial assistance award under 15 U.S.C. 4652, the covered entity shall submit a notification to the Secretary regarding any planned significant transactions of the covered entity or members of the affiliated group that may involve the material expansion of semiconductor manufacturing capacity in a foreign country of concern, regardless of whether the covered entity believes the transaction falls within an exception in 15 U.S.C. 4652(a)(6)(C)(ii). A notification must include the information set forth in § 231.302 and be submitted to | 在根据《美国法典》第15编第4652条获得联邦财政援助之日起的10年内,涵盖实体应向商务部长提交一份通知,说明涵盖实体或关联方集团成员计划进行的可能涉及受关注外国半导体制造能力实质性扩张的任何重大交易,无论涵盖实体是否认为该交易属于《美国法典》第15编第4652(a)(6)(C)(ii)条规定的例外情况。通知必须包括第231.302节规定的信息,并提交至。 |
§ 231.302 Contents of notifications; certifications. | §231.302通知的内容;证明。 |
The notification required by § 231.301 shall be certified by the covered entity’s chief executive officer, president, or equivalent corporate officer, and shall contain the following information about the parties and the transaction, which must be accurate and complete: | 第231.301节所要求的通知应由涵盖实体的首席执行官、总裁或同等职务的公司高管核证,并应包含有关各方和交易的以下信息,这些信息必须准确完整: |
(a) The covered entity and any member of the affiliated group that is party to the transaction, including for each a primary point of contact, telephone number, and email address. | (a)涵盖实体和作为交易一方的关联方集团的任何成员,包括每个成员的主要联系人、电话号码和电子邮件地址。 |
(b) The identity and location(s) of all other parties to the transaction. | (b)所有其他交易方的身份和所在地。 |
(c) Information, including organizational chart(s), on the ownership structure of parties to the transactions. | (c)有关交易各方所有权结构的信息,包括组织结构图。 |
(d) A description of any other significant foreign involvement, e.g., through financing, in the transaction. | (d)说明外国在交易中的任何其他重大参与,如通过融资。 |
(e) The name(s) and location(s) of any entity in a foreign country of concern where or at which semiconductor manufacturing capacity may be materially expanded by the transaction. | (e)受关注外国的任何实体的名称和所在地,该实体的半导体生产能力可能因交易而得到实质性扩大。 |
(f) A description of the transaction, including the specific types of semiconductors currently produced at the facility planned for expansion, the current production technology node (or equivalent information) and semiconductor manufacturing capacity, as well as the specific types of semiconductors planned for manufacture, the planned production technology node, and planned semiconductor manufacturing capacity. | (f)交易说明,包括计划扩大的设施目前生产的半导体的具体类型、目前的生产技术节点(或同等信息)和半导体制造能力,以及计划制造的半导体的具体类型、计划的生产技术节点和计划的半导体制造能力。 |
(g) If the covered entity asserts that the transaction involves the material expansion of semiconductor manufacturing capacity that produces legacy semiconductors that will predominately serve the market of a foreign country of concern, documentation as to where the final products incorporating the legacy semiconductors are to be used or consumed, including the percent of semiconductor manufacturing capacity or percent of sales revenue that will be accounted for by use or consumption of the final goods in the foreign country of concern. | (g)如果受涵盖实体声称交易涉及生产传统半导体的半导体制造能力的实质性扩张,而生产的传统半导体将主要服务于受关注外国的市场,则应提供文件说明包含传统半导体的最终产品将在何处使用或消费,包括在受关注外国使用或消费最终产品将占半导体制造能力的百分比或销售收入的百分比。 |
(h) If applicable, an explanation of how the transaction meets the requirements, set forth in 15 U.S.C. 4652(a)(6)(C)(ii), for an exception to the prohibition on significant transactions that involve the material expansion of semiconductor manufacturing capacity, including details on the calculations for semiconductor manufacturing capacity and/or sales revenue by the market in which the final goods will be consumed. | (h)如果适用,说明交易如何满足《美国法典》第15编第4652(a)(6)(C)(ii)条规定的要求,可以作为禁止涉及半导体制造能力实质性扩张的重大交易的例外情况,包括按最终产品的消费市场计算半导体制造能力和/或销售收入的详细情况。 |
§ 231.303 Response to notifications. | §231.303对通知的回应 |
The Secretary will review the notification provided pursuant to § 231.301 for completeness, and may: | 商务部长将审查根据第231.301节提供的通知是否完整,并可 |
(a) Reject the notification, and, if so, inform the covered entity promptly in writing, if: | (a)在下列情况下,拒绝接受通知,如果拒绝接受,应立即书面通知涵盖实体 |
(1) The notification does not meet the requirements of § 231.302; or | (1)通知不符合第231.302节的要求;或 |
(2) The notification contains apparently false or misleading information; | (2)通知包含明显虚假或误导性信息; |
(b) Request additional information from the covered entity to complete the notification; or | (b)要求涵盖实体提供补充信息,以完成通知;或 |
(c) Accept the notification and initiate a review under § 231.304, and, if so, inform the covered entity promptly in writing. | (c)接受通知并根据第231.304节启动审查,如果接受,应立即书面通知涵盖实体。 |
§ 231.304 Initiation of review. | §231.304启动审查。 |
(a) The Secretary may initiate a review of a transaction: | (a)商务部长可启动对交易的审查: |
(1) After accepting a notification pursuant to § 231.303(c); or | (1)根据第231.303(c)节接受通知后;或 |
(2) Upon the Secretary’s own initiative, where the Secretary believes that a transaction may be prohibited. In determining whether to initiate a review, the Secretary may consider all available information, including information submitted by persons other than the covered entity to | (2)在部长认为某项交易可能被禁止的情况下,由部长主动提出。在决定是否启动审查时,商务部长可考虑所有可获得的信息,包括涵盖实体以外的人员向notifications@chips.gov提交的信息。 |
(b) Where the Secretary initiates review of a transaction under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the Secretary will notify the covered entity promptly in writing. | (b)如果商务部长根据本条(a)(2)款启动对交易的审查,商务部长将立即以书面形式通知涵盖实体。 |
(c) The Secretary will consult with the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence upon the initiation of a review of any transaction. | (c)在开始审查任何交易时,部长将与国防部长和国家情报局局长协商。 |
§ 231.305 Procedures for review. | § 231.305审查程序 |
(a) During the review, the Secretary may request additional information from the covered entity. The covered entity shall promptly provide any additional information. The Secretary will determine whether the additional information is sufficient for the Secretary to complete the review, and may seek additional information from the covered entity if necessary. Where the Secretary has determined that the additional information is sufficient to allow the Secretary to complete the review, the Secretary will inform the covered entity in writing. The time periods for any determinations by the Secretary under this section will be tolled from the date on which the request for additional information is sent to the covered entity until the Secretary determines that the response is sufficient to complete the review. | (a)审查期间,商务部长可要求涵盖实体提供补充信息。涵盖实体应立即提供任何补充信息。商务部长将确定补充信息是否足以让商务部长完成审查,必要时可要求涵盖实体提供补充信息。如果商务部长确定补充信息足以让商务部长完成审查,商务部长将书面通知涵盖实体。商务部长根据本条作出任何决定的时限将从向涵盖实体发出补充信息要求之日起计算,直至商务部长确定回应足以完成审查为止。 |
(b) Not later than 90 days after a notification is accepted by the Secretary, or after the Secretary initiates a review under § 231.304(a)(2), and subject to any tolling pursuant to § paragraph (a) of this section, the Secretary will provide the covered entity an initial determination in writing as to whether the transaction would violate § 231.202. The initial determination may include a finding that the covered entity or a member of the affiliated group has violated § 231.202. | (b)部长在接受通知后90天内,或在部长根据第231.304(a)(2)节启动审查后90天内,在不违反本节(a)段规定的任何延期的情况下,部长将以书面形式向涵盖实体提供关于交易是否违反第231.202节规定的初步裁定。初步裁定可能包括认定涵盖实体或关联方集团成员违反了第231.202节的规定。 |
(c) If the Secretary’s initial determination is that the transaction would violate § 231.202 or that the covered entity or a member of the affiliated group has violated § 231.202 by engaging in a prohibited significant transaction, then: | (c)如果商务部长的初步认定是该交易将违反第231.202节的规定,或涵盖实体或关联方集团成员因参与被禁止的重大交易而违反了第231.202节的规定,则 |
(1) The covered entity may within 14 days of receipt of the initial determination request that the Secretary reevaluate the initial determination, including by submitting additional information. | (1)涵盖实体可在收到初步裁定的14天内要求商务部长重新评估初步裁定,包括提交补充信息。 |
(2) If the covered entity does not make such a request within 14 days of receipt of the initial determination, the initial determination will become final. If the covered entity recipient does request a reconsideration of the initial determination, the Secretary will issue the final determination within 60 days after the receipt by the Secretary of the request for reconsideration. | (2)如果涵盖实体在收到初步裁定后14天内未提出此类请求,则初步裁定将成为最终裁定。如果涵盖实体的接受者确实要求对初步裁定进行复议,则商务部长将在收到复议请求后60天内签发最终裁定。 |
(3) Upon the issuance of a final determination that a transaction would violate § 231.202 or that the covered entity or a member of the affiliated group has violated § 231.202 by engaging in a prohibited significant transaction, the covered entity must cease or abandon the transaction (or, if applicable, ensure that the member of the affiliated group ceases or abandons the transaction), and the covered entity’s chief executive officer, president, or equivalent corporate official, must provide a signed letter electronically to within 45 days of the final determination certifying that the transaction has ceased or been abandoned. Such letter must certify, under the penalties provided in the False Statements Accountability Act of 1996, as amended (18 U.S.C. 1001), that the information in the letter is accurate and complete. | (3)一旦下达最终裁定,认定某项交易将违反第231.202节的规定,或认定涵盖实体或关联方集团成员违反了第231.202条的规定,涵盖实体必须停止或放弃该交易(或在适用情况下,确保关联方集团成员停止或放弃该交易),并且涵盖实体的首席执行官、总裁或同等职位的公司官员必须在最终裁定发布后45天内,以电子方式向notifications@chips.gov提供一封签名信函,证明该交易已经停止或放弃。根据1996年《虚假陈述责任法》(FalseStatementsAccountabilityActof1996)修订版(18U.S.C.1001)规定的惩罚措施,该信函必须证明信函中的信息准确完整。 |
(d) Unless recovery is waived pursuant to § 231.306, a violation of § 231.202 for engaging in a prohibited significant transaction or failing to cease or abandon a planned significant transaction that the Secretary has determined would be in violation of § 231.202 will result in the recovery of the full amount of the Federal financial assistance provided to the covered entity, which amount will be a debt owed to the U.S. Government. | (d)除非根据第231.306节的规定放弃追偿,否则违反第231.202节的规定从事被禁止的重大交易,或未能停止或放弃计划中的重大交易,经部长认定将违反第231.202节的规定,将被追偿向涵盖实体提供的联邦财政援助的全部金额,该金额将成为欠美国政府的债务。 |
(e) The running of any deadline or time limitation for the Secretary will be suspended during a lapse in appropriations. | (e)在拨款失效期间,部长的任何最后期限或时间限制将暂停执行。 |
§ 231.306 Mitigation of national security risks. | §231.306减少国家安全风险。 |
If the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence, determines that a covered entity or member of the affiliated group is planning to undertake or has undertaken a significant transaction that violates or would violate § 231.202, the Secretary may seek to take measures in connection with the transaction to mitigate the risk to national security. Such measures may include the negotiation of an amendment to the required agreement (a “mitigation agreement”) with the covered entity to mitigate the risk to national security in connection with the transaction. The Secretary has discretion to waive, in whole or part, recovery of the Federal financial assistance provided to the covered entity for violation of § 231.305(d) in circumstances where an appropriate mitigation agreement has been entered into and complied with by the covered entity. If a covered entity fails to comply with the mitigation agreement or if other conditions in the mitigation agreement are violated, the Secretary may recover the full amount of the Federal financial assistance provided to the covered entity. | 如果商务部长经与国防部长和国家情报局局长协商,确定涵盖实体或关联方集团成员正计划进行或已经进行违反或将违反第231.202节的重大交易,商务部长可寻求采取与交易有关的措施,以减轻对国家安全的风险。这些措施可能包括与涵盖实体谈判一项必要协议的修正案(”缓解协议”),以减轻与交易有关的国家安全风险。在涵盖实体已签订并遵守适当的缓解协议的情况下,商务部长可酌情全部或部分放弃追回因涵盖实体违反第231.305(d)节规定而向其提供的联邦财政援助。如果涵盖实体未能遵守缓解协议,或违反了缓解协议中的其他条件,商务部长可收回向涵盖实体提供的全部联邦财政援助。 |
§ 231.307 Review of actions that may violate the prohibition on certain joint research or technology licensing. | §231.307审查可能违反某些联合研究或技术许可禁令的行动。 |
(a) The Secretary may initiate a review of any joint research or technology licensing the Secretary believes may be prohibited by § 231.203. In determining whether to initiate a review, the Secretary may consider all available information, including information submitted by persons other than a covered entity to | (a)部长可以对其认为可能被第231.203节禁止的任何联合研究或技术许可进行审查。在决定是否启动审查时,部长可考虑所有可获得的信息,包括由涵盖实体以外的人员提交给notifications@chips.gov的信息。 |
(b) If the Secretary opens an initial review, the Secretary will notify the covered entity in writing and may request additional information from the covered entity. The covered entity shall provide the additional information to the Secretary within three business days, or within a longer time frame if the covered entity requests in writing and the Secretary grants that request in writing. | (b)如果局长启动初步审查,局长将书面通知涵盖实体,并可要求涵盖实体提供补充信息。涵盖实体应在三个工作日内向商务部长提供补充信息,如果涵盖实体提出书面要求且商务部长以书面形式批准该要求,则应在更长的时间内提供补充信息。 |
(c) The Secretary may make an initial determination as to whether the covered entity violated § 231.203. | (c)部长可就涵盖实体是否违反第231.203节做出初步裁定。 |
(d) If the Secretary’s initial determination is that the covered entity did not violate § 231.203, the Secretary shall inform the covered entity in writing and close the review. | (d)如果商务部长的初步判断是涵盖实体没有违反第231.203节,商务部长应以书面形式通知涵盖实体并结束审查。 |
(e) If the Secretary’s initial determination is that the covered entity violated § 231.203, the Secretary will provide that initial determination to the covered entity in writing. | (e)如果商务部长的初步裁定是涵盖实体违反了第231.203节,商务部长将以书面形式向涵盖实体提供该初步裁定。 |
(1) The covered entity may within 14 days of receipt of the initial determination request that the Secretary reevaluate the initial determination, including by submitting additional information. | (1)涵盖实体可在收到初步裁定的14天内,要求商务部长重新评估初步裁定,包括提交补充信息。 |
(2) If the covered entity does not make such a request within 14 days of receipt of the initial determination, the initial determination will become final. If the covered entity does request a reconsideration of the initial determination, the Secretary will issue the final determination within 45 days of the initial determination. | (2)如果涵盖实体在收到初步裁定的14天内没有提出这样的请求,初步裁定将成为最终裁定。如果涵盖实体确实请求对初步裁定进行重新审议,那么商务部长将在作出初步裁定后45天内发布最终裁定。 |
If the Secretary makes a final determination that an action violated § 231.203, the Secretary will recover the full amount of the Federal financial assistance provided to the covered entity, which will be a debt owed to the U.S. Government. | 如果商务部长最终裁定某项行动违反了第231.203节的规定,商务部长将全额追回向涵盖实体提供的联邦财政援助,这将是欠美国政府的一笔债务。 |
§ 231.308 Recovery and other remedies. | §231.308追偿和其他补救措施。 |
(a) Interest on a debt under § 231.305 or § 231.307 will be calculated from the date on which the Secretary provides a final notification that an action violated § 231.202 or § 231.203. | (a)第231.305节或第231.307节规定的债务的利息,将从部长最终通知某项行动违反第231.202节或第231.203节之日起计算。 |
(b) The Secretary may take action to collect a debt under § 231.305 or § 231.307 if such debt is not paid within the time prescribed by the Secretary in the required agreement or mitigation agreement. In addition or instead, the matter may be referred to the Department of Justice for appropriate action. | (b)如果债务没有在部长在所需协议或缓解协议中规定的时间内偿还,部长可根据第231.305节或第231.307节采取行动收取债务。此外,也可将此事提交司法部采取适当行动。 |
(c) If the Secretary makes an initial determination that § 231.202 or § 231.203 have been violated, the Secretary may suspend Federal financial assistance. | (c)如果部长初步认定违反了第231.202节或第231.203节,部长可暂停联邦财政援助。 |
(d) The recoveries and remedies available under this section are without prejudice to other available remedies, including remedies articulated in the required agreement or civil or criminal penalties. | (d)本节规定的追偿和补救措施不影响其他可用的补救措施,包括所需协议中规定的补救措施或民事或刑事处罚。 |
Subpart D—Other Provisions | Subpart D—其他条款 |
§ 231.401 Amendment. | §231.401修正案。 |
Not later than August 9, 2024, and not less frequently than once every two years thereafter for the eight-year period after the last award of Federal financial assistance under 15 U.S.C. 4652 is made, the Secretary, after public notice and an opportunity for comment, if applicable and necessary, will issue a public notice identifying any additional semiconductors included in the meaning of the term “legacy semiconductor.” | 不迟于2024年8月9日,并在此后根据《美国法典》第15编第4652条最后一次授予联邦财政援助后的八年期间,不少于每两年一次,部长将在发布公告并提供征求意见的机会(如适用和必要)后,发布一份公告,确定”传统半导体”一词的含义中所包括的任何其他半导体。 |
§ 231.402 Submission of false information. | §231.402提交虚假信息。 |
Section 1001 of 18 U.S.C., as amended, shall apply to all information provided to the Secretary under 15 U.S.C. 4652 or under the regulations found in this part. | 经修订的《美国法典》第18编第1001条适用于根据《美国法典》第15编第4652条或本部分中的规定向局长提供的所有信息。 |
§ 231.403 Severability. | §231.403可分割性。 |
If any provision of this part or its application to any person, act, or practice is held invalid, the remainder of the part or the application of its provisions to any person, act, or practice shall not be affected thereby. | 如果本部分的任何规定或其对任何人、行为或惯例的适用被认定为无效,则本部分的其余部分或其规定对任何人、行为或惯例的适用不受此影响。 |